Hi; welcome to the Cartoon page; this is meant for those of us who have a liking for men`s magazine cartoons; not just for the adult humour involved, but, mostly, for the depiction of sheer glamour. The two finest artists (a lot of their work is shown here), are Bill Ward, and John Persons. Both are unmistakeable in their individual styles, and examples of both are given…
Cartoon artists come in all shapes and sizes; for instance; first is Bill Ward; the master of glamorous images, in cartoon art; what follows are some of his drawings…enjoy:
Bill Ward, distinguishable by his depictions of glamour; perhaps not the greatest humourist, but certainly one of the great artists; followed by John Persons…again, unmistakable; he only ever drew blondes, mainly in various sexual positions that originated in his fertile imagination…
John Persons, above; another artist who knew how to draw (mainly blondes, in sexual positions, and almost always with black guys…again, the humour was secondary):
Not exclusively Bill Ward cartoons, in the above slideshow; but he is easily identifiable, don`t you think? Who else could draw women like that...?
And now for something completely different; vintage cartoons from Germany; do you think they say something about the national character or just that of the cartoonist? Some of them… well; enjoy…
All I know abut the cartoons shown in the slideshow above is that the majority of them were drawn pre-war, by someone who signed himself as Tim (or Jim?) BBW, dominant females, and femdom stuff figured quite large,in his drawings, didn`t they? Along with sissy boys, bondage, and stiletto heels…
And now for something completely different; sort of a mix of everything; Ward, Persons, and the vintage German chap. Plus one other; again, difficult to trace his era; (if pressed; probably early 50`s)
Next time I see a cartoon that I think is good enough to share; this is where I`ll put it; into the above slideshow…